
My Vim-Verse: The Backbone of My Workflow

How (Neo)Vim and Markdown revolutionized my data engineering and writing workflow.

My Vim-Verse: The Backbone of My Workflow

In my journey, detailed in why Vim is more than an editor, I’ve discovered the profound impact of integrating Vim and its motions into my entire computer workflow. This evolution, from using familiar tools like Notepad++ and SQL Server Management Studio to embracing Vim, represents a significant shift in how I approach tasks in data engineering and writing.

This blog post delves into how this transition to Vim, coupled with a step-by-step adoption of Markdown, has streamlined my process. Moving away from the limitations of WYSIWYG editors, I’ve embraced the simplicity and power of Markdown, as explored in my piece on Markdown vs Rich Text.

From the early days of learning editor shortcuts in VS Code to the moment I discovered the efficiency of Vim’s modal editing, my journey has been about finding clarity in my work. This path has led to significant changes in my writing process, including the adoption of Obsidian for my Second Brain, and expanding Vim’s use to other applications, enhancing my productivity and creativity.

I share insights from my transition, showcasing how Vim’s motions and Markdown can revolutionize your workflow, just as they have mine.

Where I came from

I started with procedural database instructions with PL- or T-SQL. Editors such as Notepad++, UltraEdit, or SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) were my friends. Later, I discovered many more, such as Sublime, Eclipse, Netbeans, Sublime, TextMate, and VS Code.

OS-wide Shortcuts

I was pretty efficient; I learned how to ctrl+shift+end and use arrow keys to select lines or jump with shift+option+-> or shift+option+<- to select by words, both on Mac and Windows. Other shortcuts I only used a little as I wasn’t a proficient programmer.

However, I learned advanced features that I used and discovered constantly. These were features such as the column-edit feature in Notepad++ to extract columns, remove/add commas, or do another batch kind of work.

Editor Shortcuts

Once VS Code became famous, I loved the cmd+shift+p shortcut to fuzzy find all commands. I felt way more productive in everyday tasks. Afterward, I added separate hotkeys for each command I used often, skipping the cmd+shift+p. Also, cmd+p to open and fuzzy find files was a big game-changer quickly.

At some point, I couldn’t get any faster. I was much faster than most of my co-workers, or so I thought. The problem was that I lost my productivity whenever I switched to another editor, program, or app. I had to do a lot of copy-pasting. Whenever I switched editors to a newer, better one, I had to re-learn all shortcuts and mappings. They were different on every tool. Sure, I tried to align them, but it was a lot of work, and I couldn’t recreate my old habits a hundred percent.

Entering Writing. WordPress.

At the same time, I started to write more publicly on my Blog, and I had to constantly copy my text from something my Google Docs or editor I used to the WordPress editors. I also wrote directly in WordPress but didn’t do it anymore after losing some of my text or limited functionality.

I mostly wrote the text in my Second Brain, which at that time was Microsoft OneNote. But every time I wanted to publish, I had to ensure all my formatting was copied and the images looked okay. It was always a hassle. I had maintained two versions of the same, one locally and one on WordPress.

The worst part was that it was a pain if I wanted to fix errors or update my content. And I generally didn’t do it, even though I fancied the idea of constantly updating content back then, too.

How I discovered Vim

At some random point, I discovered something called Vim. I saw it from a co-worker before, but I thought he needed to include more features from VS Code I used back then, and as he didn’t customize anything, it looked awful and not something I could ever work with.

But I was impressed with the macros and how he would temper the CSV or batch-fix files from the cmd line. Or how he instantly created Python scripts and ran them without leaving the terminal. You know, that hacker feeling we all want, I saw there.

But I was not into it yet. It was much later when I saw another co-worker who used Linux only and had great Dotfiles set up.

Why it sticked

What grew over time on me was editing philosophy, also called Vim Language (and Motions). Instead of clicking with the mouse to a specific part to fix grammar or change a variable, in Vim motions, you jump there with a critical command and have another one to change after/before/surround a word. For each different edit, there was a command. I was hooked to learn more. That’s how a surgeon would work: fine-grained and filigree, but with words.

As I worked on a computer all day, I went in rabbit holes with custom keyboards, different keyboard layouts such as Halmak, and fancied custom color themes. I have custom shortcuts for each edit I want.

Instead of only having to jump to the end of a line or jump by word, all of a sudden, I could do so many more. I have yet to learn the edit modes that you had. Besides the insert-mode that every editor had by default, you also had normal, visual, and command modes. You can learn more about the edit modes in my previous article Why Vim Is More than Just an Editor – Vim Language, Motions, and Modes Explained.

But this was when I started to research Vim and what it was. I watched tons of videos by ThePrimeagen and other great videos. The possibilities blew me away.


I never thought I would use it for writing, too. But it came naturally. The more I learned Vim, which initially takes a long time to get used to. But as I enjoyed the process, it was fun. It was like learning a game, adding a new superpower (shortcut) every week—starting to use hjkl instead of arrow keys for navigation or o to append under the current line and the whole palette.

To this day, I’m constantly learning more efficient ways to edit text, which helps me become a better writer. I can edit my second brain, and text I write everywhere with the speed of thought. It sounds cliche but valid for me.

Entering Markdown.

Over time, I moved away from WordPress, to a statistically generated site, the source being Plaintext Files, for transparent Markdown files with plain text with a sugar-coded syntax.

It felt powerful. I had one version of the truth. No more formatting battles, no more fear I’d lose a bolding text or a code formatting. I could write and publish them with a single script to see them locally or on my website.

I didn’t realize the power of Markdown back then, but with all of this, with the power of modal editing and Vim motions, I just started flying to take notes, capture an idea, write a short blog post, code or to this day, writing a full-blown book in plain text.


Another key to this progress was Obsidian. Obsidian being a faithful Second Brain, owning your content as Markdown, I switched from my 10 years of OneNote to Obsidian. A key element was the out-of-the-box Vim support in Obsidian.

Setting to turn on vim keybinding.

Instantly I had the superpowers from Vim I used everywhere for my note-taking app.

Why I do not use Neovim for notes

You might wonder why I don’t use Neovim for notes. I tried a couple of times, and sometimes, when writing my book, I use Neovim. But for the most part, Obsidian is optimized for notes specifically, and Neovim is optimized for programming.

With Obsidian based on Markdown, I have accjkess to my Second Brain with forward/backlinks to any note or article. Better integration with images, text-based diagrams with Mermaid, and text-based images with Exaclidraw, and Canvas.

Integration with Plugins such as ReadWise syncing my highlights and notes I read, Obsidian Dataview to use Notes as databases, Admonition (Call-outs) to write lovely in-side comments without distracting the reading flow, Templates, Mobile support, and many more. I write more about that in Obsidian in Rich Text vs Markdown.

Other Vim-supported Apps I use

Today, I use everything as plain text wherever I can. With that, I learned that I can simplify my whole workflow.

Firstly, I can edit with the speed of thought, as if something is plain text; I can use Neovim and use all my muscle memory to edit it, with all the benefits of Markdown (if supported).

I’m trying to set up Neomutt, another text-based editor, to read and write emails. I even built my favorite feature from, the HEY-Screener in (Neo)Mutt.

I also use Vimium, a Chrome/Brave extension to navigate the browser without the mouse, inspired by Vim motions and navigation.

I’m excited about what else I can switch to Vim modes and commands. But so far, it makes me really happy that I can write everything from a single place and share it with a single script to either my public Second Brain, my Blog Website, or my Data Engineering Book.

This is it for this blog. I wrote this more to reflect on how much Vim, its motions, and Markdown have significantly impacted my business life lately. And I just got introduced to Vim a couple of years back. I’m curious to follow that journey and hope to learn from your workflow and Vim journeys. Maybe I could inspire some of you to give Vim, and especially its motions, a try. That would make my day, as it could also heavily and positively influence your professional life.

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